Leer en Español
The newsletter is published in two separate editions, one in Spanish and the other one in English.
Both editions are open to all community, commercial and cultural organisations connected with London´s Anglo-Latino community.
If you wish to publish information in the newsletter, please send an email to newsletter@heraldolondres.com with the following information:
- Subject: Please specify if you wish to disseminate news or an event in the subject of the email.
- Core information: Brief note, preferably no longer than 4 or 5 lines with date, time, address, price – if applicable – and where to buy/book tickets.
- Language: Language of the event
- Web link: A web link connected directly to a page with more information specific to the event or news
- Contact: Name and contact details of the organisation and name, email and telephone number of a contact
- Bilingual: Whenever possible, send the information in both languages. This will facilitate its inclusion in both editions.
- Social Media: Social Media handles and hashtags. This will help us to include the event in our social media communications. If possible, also include social media handles and hashtags for the artists and/or participants.
- Fundraising Requests: Only requests from Registered Charities and/or from official fundraising platforms will be considered for publication. If in doubt, please send us an email.
- The editor reserves the right to include or not any information received.